Surgeon looking into da Vinci console

Intuitive for Surgeons

Increase access to minimally invasive care for your patients

Your opportunity to improve outcomes

Choices you make in the OR affect your patient’s life. At Intuitive, we believe technology should enhance your ability and help you make better-informed decisions. Da Vinci systems give you precision, flexibility, and control to perform many types of procedures,1 while offering real-time feedback so you can operate with confidence. These smart systems and instruments have been developed with the goals of reducing variability in surgery and delivering better overall surgical care.2

Surgeon hands on control articulation
Surgeon face
Figures connecting icon for education and training
Phone clock icon for customer support

Da Vinci surgical specialties

Cardiac Surgery: Includes mitral valve repair
Colorectal Surgery: Includes colectomy and rectal resection
General Surgery: Includes ventral and inguinal hernia repair and bariatrics
Gynecologic Surgery: Includes benign and cancerous hysterectomy and myomectomy
Head and Neck Surgery: Includes throat cancer procedures
Thoracic Surgery: Includes lobectomy and mediastinal mass surgery
Urologic Surgery: Includes prostate, bladder and kidney cancer surgery

Of additional interest

An overview of da Vinci technology

Learn about systems and services that makes da Vinci robotic-assisted surgical care possible.

What’s happening in the industry

Meet Intuitive and see da Vinci in action at a variety of events for healthcare professionals.
  1. Based on Intuitive analysis of Q1 2008-Q1 2017 Premier Healthcare data listing inguinal and ventral hernia repair, lobectomy, colon resection, rectal resection, benign and malignant hysterectomy, and prostatectomy as the primary procedure. Data on file.
  2. Birkmeyer J, Finks J, O'Reilly A et al. Surgical Skill and Complication Rates after Bariatric Surgery. New England Journal of Medicine. 2014;370(3):285-285. doi:10.1056/nejmc1313890