Robotic General Surgery

Technology that amplifies your surgical skill for hernia repair, cholecystectomy, and other general surgery procedures

Advancing what’s possible in minimally invasive general surgery

A growing number of U.S. general surgeons choose Intuitive da Vinci technology to support a high standard of care for their hernia and cholecystectomy cases.

The da Vinci system offers multiquadrant access, advanced instruments, and immersive 3DHD visualization, giving you the platform to deliver high-quality outcomes to all your patients.

More to see from other surgeons using da Vinci systems for robotic general surgery

Tune into the General Surgery Channel, a regular peer-to-peer learning series dedicated to general surgeons and their journeys with robotics. Hear directly from other surgeons about their experiences with our ecosystem of systems, learning, and services, connected by digital insights.

Clinical evidence for da Vinci general surgery

General surgeons are driving the growth of minimally invasive robotic surgery across 20 FDA-cleared procedures in their field.Benign general surgery with the da Vinci system is supported by more than 800 peer-reviewed publications,2 and that number continues to grow.

The physical demand of surgery

These survey results show ergonomic benefits from using da Vinci systems compared to laparoscopy.

Prospective inguinal hernia study

This multicenter study compares outcomes for inguinal hernia repair between open, laparoscopic, and robotic-assisted surgery.

Innovating for robotic general surgery

We don’t just build robots. We design holistic solutions. Over the years, we’ve created a comprehensive ecosystem of systems, learning, services, and digital insights that helps you advance what’s possible in minimally invasive care.

Can robotic technology be used for emergency surgery?

A growing group of surgeons are harnessing Intuitive da Vinci systems for their emergency cases. As part of our Problem Solver series, Drs. Andrea Pakula and Laila Rashidi explain how they’re working to spread their vision for emergency robotic care.
  1. Data on file at Intuitive.
  2. Intuitive Robotic Publications Library, last updated April 17, 2023.