Intuitive for Colorectal Patients

Understand your colorectal surgery options

Colorectal conditions

The lower part of your digestive tract, called the large intestine, is comprised of the colon and rectum and is also sometimes called the colorectal region. It can develop issues that range from occasionally bothersome to life-threatening. Noncancerous conditions include, but are not limited to, inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, blockages and ruptures, infected pockets (diverticulitis) and abscesses, and others that can take a toll of your quality of life and may require medical care. For cancerous conditions, know that colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and women who live in the U.S.1

It’s important to learn about the many options for care available. You and your doctor can discuss your choices and decide which approach is right for you.

Couple with backpacks on a bridge

What is a da Vinci surgical system?

Da Vinci surgical systems are comprised of three components: surgeon console, patient-side cart, and vision cart. The da Vinci system is used for surgery, but it does not treat cancer.

It’s important to remember that Intuitive does not provide medical advice. After discussing all options with your doctor, only you and your doctor can determine whether surgery with the da Vinci sytem is appropriate for your situation. You should always ask your surgeon about his or her training, experience, and patient outcomes.

Robotic-assisted colorectal procedures

Talk with your doctor if you have any additional questions about these procedures.

1. Key Statistics for Colorectal Cancer. American Cancer Society. Web. 23 June 2022.