Environmental, Social, and Governance

We believe that minimally invasive care is life-enhancing care that benefits society and the planet. We strive to meaningfully improve patient care while being responsible stewards of the environment, our communities, and our governance values.

2023 Intuitive ESG report

OR staff monitoring a da Vinci Xi system endoscope
Three employees at a demonstration moving da Vinci system arms

Intuitive ESG reports

We’re pleased to share our past Intuitive Environmental sustainability, Social responsibility, and Governance and transparency (ESG) reports. See the data and explore the details of the programs that we have delivered.

View previous reports


Public disclosures and certifications

Intuitive CDP disclosure

Intuitive submits an annual disclosure to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Our disclosure details our environmental impacts as they relate to climate change.

Intuitive TCFD disclosure

Intuitive publishes an annual disclosure following recommendations set forth by the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Intuitive ISO 14001 certificate

Intuitive’s Environmental Management System (EMS) is certified to the ISO 14001:2015 standard, providing a framework for designing and implementing an EMS that supports continuous improvement of environmental performance.